Nature Camp offers a wonderful experience to young people of the appropriate ages who are interested in natural history and environmental science, and we strive to provide a camping and educational experience of the highest quality at the lowest possible cost. We recognize, however, that some families may be unable to afford the full cost of tuition. We are able to provide some tuition awards in the form of camperships to promising new and outstanding returning campers who have not yet received a scholarship from another sponsoring organization. No one should be discouraged from applying to camp because of prohibitive cost. Camperships will be awarded as funds are available and cannot be guaranteed is advance, although every effort will be made to provide them to all applicants who demonstrate a need. With that in mind, please indicate on the application if your camper would be able to attend only with financial assistance.

Requests for camperships will be considered by a committee on a rolling basis, with review periods following March 1, April 30, and June 15. Requests submitted before each of these dates will be reviewed in the subsequent few weeks and applicants notified within 21 days of each date. There is no deadline for applying for financial aid, but requests submitted before April 1 are more likely to be honored.

Please note that submitting a request for a campership does not constitute registration. Submitting a Youth Session camper registration application is also required.

Requests for financial assistance may be submitted in one of three ways.

(1) Fill out an online form as part of the online application process.
Submit a Youth Session camper registration application and request a campership

(2) Fill out an online form separate from the application for enrollment.
Campership request form

(3) Download, print, and mail a paper request form.
campership application 2025

Please direct any questions to Financial Aid Director Cate Coughter at